Three year plan of capital investments

The total value of capital projects in the City of Bijeljina in the next three years will amount to around 67 million KM, of which the budget of the City will contribute with approximately 24 million, whilefrom the donations, loans and funds of investors and citizens will amount to 43 million. This is stated in capital investment plan for the period 2015-2017 that was adopted by the Bijeljina City Assembly on February 6th.Plan was developed by representatives of the City Administration, public enterprises and institutions, the business sector and non-governmental organizations that have submitted 89 project proposals.Final document incorporated 48 projects proposals that have been divided into three main sectors - economic, social and environmental.Projects are detailed sorted into ten sub-groups - the economy, transport infrastructure, environmental protection, social protection, utilities, culture, sports, education, health and other projects. Most of the projects are located in the subgroup of municipal infrastructure - 24, and are worth a total of 47 million.Among those that stand out, is project of expansion of water supply network in the so-called Southern Ring, embankment construction on the river Drina, continued construction of the sewage system, renovation at the City heating plant, construction of infrastructure at the new town cemetery etc.Most important projects in the subgroup of "economy" are infrastructure of the Industrial zone two and the construction of solar power plants.Projects in this domain will amount to less than a four million.Projects onimprovement of transport infrastructure will amount to approximately 6.5 million, resulting to paving of the streets and bike paths, provided that 30 percent of the funds will be provided by citizens.The value of planned environmental projects is 3.8 million, projects in the field of social protection, including the construction of the building of the Centre for Social Work with Daily Centre for children with special needs is 2.3 million. Projectsdedicated to the domain of education, including building a new school located inLedinci–will amount to two million.Capital investment in the City of Bijeljina for the first time is planned in this way, which will contribute to the harmonization of the implementation of projects, and the line with the Strategy of the City of Bijeljina to year 2023. Additionally it will accommodate easier budget planning for project implementation. The Comprehensive Plan of capital investment is also important for interrelation of a significant number of projects and the need to improve the communication of coordination between companies and institutions that are implementing projects.In addition to improving the quality of life, the realization of these projects will enable the creation of numerous new job opportunities, through increased workof construction companies, as well as through the creation of conditions for attracting investors in the industrial zone.Therefore the next step will be to promote these projects with potential investors, as announced during the presentation of this Plan at the City Assembly by the Mayor Advisor Mr Vlado Simeunović.