The Systematic Approach to Planning of Capital Projects

Development of a comprehensive investment plan is one of the preconditions for the development of new and enhancing of existing services to citizens and the implementation of most importantstrategies for the development of the City of Bijeljina, with the highlight atthe Development Strategy till 2023. This was the main massage at yesterday's public hearing on the Plan of Capital Investment and development plan of municipal infrastructure in the area of Bijeljina Cityfor the period 2015-2017година..
Proposal of Capital Development Plan and plan for the development of the communal infrastructure inBijeljina City for the period 2015-2017 is prepared by the Working Group in-charged for the creation of Development Plan, supportedby the organizational units of the City Administration and the active participation of budget users, businesses, public enterprises, institutions, civic associations and other entities of social life.
This planning document will cover all public investments that are planned in the BijeljinaCity or within its jurisdiction.During the preparations for the development of the Plan, Working Grouphas received andreviewed81 project proposals, which wereranked and grouped into three domains - economic (a total of 17 proposals, 14 of whom were adopted), social (30 proposals, 15 accepted) and the environmentaldomain(34 proposals, 19 accepted ).Total number of projects accepted for Capital Investment Plan of the BijeljinaCity for the period 2015-2017 is 48, and their estimated value is approximately 67.12 million BAM, out of which the Bijeljina Citybudget will provided approximately 24.06 million BAM, and from the external sources approximately 43.060.000KM.
Proposal of Capital Investment Plan and Development Plan of the infrastructure in the City of Bijeljina for the period 2015-2017 will be submitted to the City Assembly for adoption at its 30th session in late January this year.