Program “Opportunity Plus” for a better labor market

On 23 March the Program for the strengthening of practical teaching in schools was presented under the name “Opportunity Plus”, which is financially supported by the Swiss Government with 9.8 million BAM. The program is implemented by the Republic of Srpska Agency for development of SMEs.The program started in November 2014, with the goal to bring closer the education system with the economic sector. The donated money will be invested into the establishment of a strategic connection between municipalities, schools and companies, aiming towards the improvement of practical classes in schools.At a regional meeting with representatives of the economy and education sectors, the program leader, Mr. Nikola Dragović, stated that so far more than 50 missing economy sectors were identified, mainly occupations within the following sectors: wood processing, light metal industry, final works in the construction sector, catering, gastronomy and food processing industry. Dragović pointed out that in European countries practical classes is organized at least two times per week.During their education, students shall spend as much as possible time in the economy, in order to obtain the necessary skills and become more competitive at the job market.The present representatives of the City administration and schools stated that this project is a good opportunity to strengthen and expand the coordination between private companies and schools in order to organize the practical classes for students in a more qualitative way.The program shall last four years, with the possibility for its extension.