The inter-municipal cooperation in the field of greenhouse production

The City of Bijeljina and municipalities of Ugljevik and Lopare in May 2015, launched the project aiming to establish the inter-municipal cooperation in the agricultural sector. This project is a part of wider Integrated local development project (ILDP), which is a joint initiative of the Government of Swiss Confederation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The inter-municipal cooperation project is co-financed by the Swiss Government and three local community in the amount of BAM 75.000 (cca € 38,500) per party.
The inter-municipal council for agriculture has been established within the project, composed of representatives of the three local government, the Agrarian Fund of the City of Bijeljina, primary producers and processors and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Srpska, respectively, Department for the provision of professional services in agriculture - Regional Unit Bijeljina. The task of the Coucil is to provide expert advice and recommendations to local authorities regarding the creation of preconditions for the improvement of the status of agriculture in the region, increasing the surface area for the production of vegetables indoors, creating new jobs in the agricultural sector, as well as establishing a sustainable coordination mechanism between producers and processors.
The second objective of the project is to support the greenhouse production, as an activity that can in a short time offer new jobs and creation of additional income in rural areas. In relation to the second objective implementation, 24 rural households received greenhouses in total area of 9,600 square meters, as well as expert support in the field of greenhouse production. Also, the trainings were organized in the three local communities for about 120 farmers on production in protected areas and on international Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standard.
Department for Economy and Agriculture of the City of Bijeljina point out that this is the first example of a long-term cooperation of local governments in B&H and they expect further donor support to agriculture development in the area of Semberija and Majevica:
- In the next period, the Council will have focus on mediation between producers and processors of agricultural products in order to facilitate the contracting of organized purchase, announced this Department.