Wastewater Treatment Plant completed

The Wastewater Treatment Plant, built at locality of former sludge fields near Velika Obarska village, was officially put into operation today; thereby the second phase of the construction of the wastewater system in the City of Bijeljina was completed. The project is worth slightly more than € 7.000.000 (without VAT), and the funds were provided from donations - € 3.000.000 from the EU program Municipal Window and 42.000.000 Swedish kronor (about € 4.300.000) from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The contractor was a consortium of Wabag-Higra, while the construction lasted about two years.At the ceremony, besides the management of local government, the Public Enterprise "Vodovod i Kanalizacija" and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU team), also attended the representatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden, the Delegation of the European Union, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia, Deputy Head of Mission of the OSCE, Minister of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology, Minister of Finance from the Republic of Srpska Government and other guests.The Mayor of Bijeljina, Mićo Mićić reminded in his speech that project of building sewerage system in the City of Bijeljina involved many institutions and organizations including European Union, City of Bijeljina, governemnts of all levels in B&H, SIDA, ORIO programme of the Dutch Government and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and that, as a result of that cooperation, project of great importance to environmental protection is going well:- For ten years, since the wastewater treatment construction project has been implementing, we put out 25,000 cesspools and thereby solved a huge environmental problem. Upon completion of the plant, we made a new step in the environmental protection and from now on, the collected wastewater will be treated and purified to 2 level of quality and then discharged into watercourses. This project was assessed with the highest marks by the relevant international institutions for quality and responsible management and expenditure verification, Mayor Mićić said.Minister Srebrenka Golić pointed out that the Government had given guarantees for credit borrowings for the construction of wastewater treatment system and thus contributed to the realization of this project. Representatives of the Swedish Embassy and the Delegation of the European Union, Marie Bergström in BiH Melvin Asin pointed out that the environmental protection and public health have been the main EU priorities, and reminded that water protection was one of the important segments that should have been paid considerable attention, during the process of adjusting to the EU standards in B&H.
Upon completion of the second phase of construction wastewater system, 9.000 users have been connected to the network, apropos about 40.000 inhabitants and 27.5 kilometers of sewerage collectors and more than 14 kilometers connection pipelines have been built. Also, it was built almost 15 kilometers of fecal collectors and 91,5 kilometers of the new water supply network. Wastewater Treatment Plant meets all national and European legal requirements and directives related to treatment urban wastewater and sewerage sludge.
Since the beginning of construction of wastewater system, for this purpose has been provided € 41.000.000. Among which, € 18.000.000 are donations of the European Union and the EU member states, including € 6.500.000 from ORIO fund of the Netherlands Government, for the next phase of construction in the streets of 27 Marta and Bogdanovića Plac. € 12.000.000 were provided form credits and € 11.000.000 from the City budget.