Establishing favorable conditions for attracting new investments

The Economic Council of Bijeljina City, at its session, held on 12 September 2014, agreed to continue with the activities related to obtaining the Business Friendly Community (BFC) Certificate, among which the collection of promotion materials from business entities located in the City of Bijeljina on comparative advantages for investments.
The Economic Council of Bijeljina City was founded in July 2014 and is composed of private companies, Chamber of Commerce, public communal companies, Bieljina City administration representatives, as well as experts of International Development Agencies. Main activities of the Council focus on the support to the development of existing economic capacities and their expansion; stimulation of public-private dialogue; establishment of a more favorable investment climate and attracting investments; initiating dialogue with higher levels of authority aiming towards faster economic development.
The president of the Bijeljina City Economic Council is Đorđe Slavinjak, director of “Spektar Drink” company and the deputy director is Vlado Simeunović, Advisor to Mayor of Bijeljina.
All interested companies, potential investors and citizens are welcome to raise initiatives that shall be considered by the Economic Council. Initiatives can be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]