Economic Council on Measures to Improve the Business Climate in Bijeljina

Permanent Economic Council of the BijeljinaCity at the meeting held on 5thDecember, adopted several decisions, among which is the initiative for the development of the Local Action Plan for Employment. Another document adoptedis the initiative for the Banking Agency for more responsible attitude towards the area that is in charge, in order to prevent the loss of citizensconfidence in economy and the banking sector.Preparation of the Local Action Plan for Employment will involve representatives of the Employment Biro, Technical School "Mihajlo Pupin", Chamber of Commerce, as well as representatives of the City Administration, that is: Department of Economy and Agriculture, the Department of Local Economic Development and European Integration and the Department for Social Services .
During this session, the Economic Council has supported the development of the Capital Investment Plan prepared by the City Administration.This Plan will be a review of all capital projects or priorities for economic and social development, but it should be one of the starting points for attracting and planninginvestments, given that investors will be provided with the insight into the most important community projects that could be an opportunity for potential investments.The Capital InvestmentPlan with the Strategy for the Development of the City,will give additional insight into the direction in which the local community intends to develop and, accordingly, it will help investors to have long-term investment planning.
The members of the Economic Council had the opportunity to see a working version of the promotional film about the advantages of investing in Bijeljina, and are familiarized with the plan of the City Administration to make a counter where entrepreneurs will be able to to get all information at one place how to start the business, but also support to the business sector after establishment, all in order to avoid unnecessary waste of time with different proceudres in several institutions.
At this session, the membershipof the Economic Council is expanded with new members appointed: MsSlavicaLukic - the Branch Manager of the Employment Biro of the Republic of Srpska in Bijeljina and Mr RadenkoTodorovic–the Director of Technical school "Mihajlo Pupin" in Bijeljina.