Timely Help to Cattle Breeders

Cattle breeders from Donje Crnjelovo village received around 130 tons of pasturage, donated by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), through the Fund for assistance and recovery from floods in agriculture and through the FARMA project.Yesterday also started the allocation of 500 tons of food for dairy cows, donated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for households in rural areas that were flooded during this year.During the distribution of help to farmers in Donje Crnjelovo, Mayor of Bijeljina Mićo Mićić emphasized that the pasturage arrived at the right moment, given that due to the floods the crops were destroyed and that the farmers will be able to surmount the winter thanks to these donations. The Mayor reminded that international humanitarian and donor organizations distribute their assistance mainly through agricultural cooperatives and associations, in order to support the organization of producers.In this case, the mediator between the donor and farmers was the Agricultural cooperative „Povrtlarstvo“ from Donje Crnjelovo:- I hope that such activities will stimulate producers from other villages to join forces, in order to, not only obtain donations easier, but also to be more competitive at the market.The head of Department for Economy and Agriculture of the City of Bijeljina, Predrag Jović, announced the continuation of international donationsto farmers also in the year 2015, but stated that these programs shall be directed to the support of sustainable projects of producing goods which are requested by the market, such as pepers, cucumbers, tomatoes, berries etc.