The City of Bijeljina certified as business friendly community

The City of Bijeljina, as the fourth municipality/City in BiH, has fulfilled the conditions for becoming an internationally recognized business friendly community, in accordance with the BFC SEE standards (Business Friendly Certification South East Europe), with 84,4% fulfilled standards.The BFC verification commission visited Bijeljina on 04 June 2015, in ordert to examine the fulfillment of 12 criteria and 80 sub-criteria. It was stated that, during this complex procedure, the City Administration of Bijeljina has reached the level of receiving the Certificate, having implemented the requeted standards for attrating investments.The Certificate presents a proof that the City Administration offers high quality service to investors, in order to make their functioning easier and efficient, while continuously working on further improvement of the bussiness climate in the City.Bijeljina received the highest mark for the criteria relating to creditworthiness, which shows that the City of Bijeljina is taking loans in accordance with the relevant laws and adopted strategic documents. Furthermore, additional three categories reached more than 90% of fulfillment: Adoption and implementation of the City Development Strategy until 2023; Organization and work of the Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration; Activities on promotion of investments and the quality of business environment in Bijeljina.In order to confirm the continued implementation of the certification criteria, an evaluation visit by the verification commission shall follow in 12 months, while the re-certification process will be conducted every two years.The Business Friendly Certification South East Europe program is a unique regional program for the enhancement of competitive strengths of municipalities and cities, which is being implemented in BiH, Republic of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia.