BFC SEE Certification to the City of Bijeljina

Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska have awarded the international certificate on business friendly environment (BFC SEE - Business Friendly Certification South East Europe) to the Mayor of Bijeljina, Mr. Mićo Mićić.City of Bijeljina has fulfilled the requirements for city certification on business friendly environment, according to BFC SEE standards, and achieved an overall assessment in the amount of 84.4 percent.-Certification is not just a formality, but a process that ensures continuous improvement of the local administration. Fulfillment of specified criteria is confirmation of City Administration longtime work on creating a business friendly environment, creating jobs and building new industrial capacity, stressed out Mayor Mićić after the ceremony.The City of Bijeljina is the third city in the Republic of Srpska who received BFC SEE certificate since it had fulfilled all the necessary conditions - many strategic documents have been adopted, as well as the Capital Investment Plan. With the support of the Economic Council the dialogue with the business community have been established.Ms. Dragica Ristić, head of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska stressed out that info services for potential investors have been formed and the importance of improving the business environment for the development of the City has been recognized.Certification program on business friendly environment in Southeast Europe is a unique regional program for improving the competitiveness of local governments, and is carried out in Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.Cities and municipalities certification requires fulfillment of 12 demanding criteria and over 80 sub-criteria to improve the quality of services and information that local governments provide to businessmen and investors.