Official web site of
City Bijeljina



The City of Bijeljina has a population of about 115,000 people, with 45,000 living in the narrow urban area. Due to investments into education, firstly the higher education, the population of Semberija is getting younger, and the educational composition of population is also getting better, because many young highly educated professionals stay to live in Bijeljina after graduation. Also, over a thousand people moves to Bijeljina and surrounding settlements every year. This additionally enriches the work force offer and creates larger market for goods and services. In 2020 the average monthly salary after taxes was BAM 885. In the same year 23,841 inhabitants of the City were employed.
Higher education institutions and secondary schools
Total number of students in the school year 2021/2022:
Secondary school students 3,503
University students  
There are six secondary schools and 6 universities with 23 faculties in the territory of the City of Bijeljina.
Education profiles at secondary schools in the territory of the City of Bijeljina:
Profile Number of students
Agriculture, food processing and medicine 957
Electrical and mechanical technician 1,019
Classical education, social and linguistic profile, information technologies 704
Secondary school of economics 558
Geodesy and construction, trade and law 265
Education profiles at faculties in the territory of the City of Bijeljina:
Faculties Number of students
Law, information technologies, anglistics, economics, tax system, art  
School teacher and kindergarten teacher  
Pharmacy, medical care, psychology, agriculture  
According to the records of the Employment Service, active work force offer in 2020 was 9,247 unemployed people.

Territory of the City of Bijeljina has not been subject of dedicated geothermal research. Therefore, the data on the thermal characteristics of this area were obtained according to analysis and reinterpretation of results of other types of relevant geological research, as well as according to the analysis of the composition, thickness and development of the Earth’s crust of this and neighbouring parts of Ex-Yugoslavia.
Basic indicators of geothermal characteristics of any terrain depend on the following factors: thickness and composition of the Earth’s crust, lithosphere thickness, age of tectonic activity, age and type of magmatic processes, content of radiochemical elements in rocks, neo-tectonic movements, seismicity, hydro geological characteristics of the terrain, etc. All these factors are present in the territory of Semberija, so they have more or less impact on individual geothermal characteristics, or parameters.
Heat flow value in Semberija is 90-110 W/m2. These values are 50-80% higher than the average value of terrestrial heat flow density for the continental part of Europe, which is around 60 W/m2.
Useful documents:
  1. Study - Drinking groundwater resources and geothermal resources of Bijeljina Municipality: potency and possibility of usage
Resources of drinking groundwater in the territory of the City of Bijeljina consist of aquifers in alluvial or Quaternary sediments of rivers Drina and Sava, and aquifers in Plio-Quaternary sediments. Due to better research and importance for water supply the greatest attention was given to alluvial sediments of rivers Drina and Sava.
There are two important aquifers in the city territory: one is in the gravel-sand collectors, and the other one is in the sand collectors of Quaternary and Plio-Pleistocene age.
Water from these two aquifers is used for water supply. Phreatic aquifer is the one which is exploited the most, and Bijeljina and central part of Semberija are supplied from it. There is a plan to supply Ugljevik, too.

  • Over 50,000 ha of good quality arable land;
  • Around 6,427 registered agricultural farms;
  • 300 ha of greenhouse vegetable production;
  • 2,000 ha of land with irrigation system.

Bijeljina has mild continental climate with annual sunshine of 1800 to 1900 hours and moderate cloud cover which is highest in January, February and November and lowest in June, July and September. Summers are warm, while winters are mostly moderately cold. Autumn and spring temperatures are uniform. Summer absolute temperatures can rise up to 40°C, while winter absolute minimum temperatures can drop to -35°C. The mean value of frosty air is 163 days and lasts from October to April. May and June have the most precipitation, March and September have the least precipitation, so the annual mean precipitation in the period 1981-2012 was 785 L/m2. On average, snow stays for 40 days a year. Mean temperature in July is 22°C, in January it is -1°C, while the mean annual temperature is 11.7°C. Relative air humidity is 70-80%. Winds are rare and weak, and when they appear they come mostly from north and north-west.
Average solar radiation in the Balkans countries is about 40% higher than the European average. Considering that this potential is mostly unused, the City of Bijeljina has great possibilities for investments in this area.

Useful documents:
  1. Feasibility study on the possibilities of using solar energy to generate heat and electricity in the City of Bijeljina and the Municipality of Bogatić