European mobility week
Project value: BAM 3,442.76 SOGRS/GIZ: BAM 2,940.76 City of Bijeljina: BAM 502.00 |
Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration organised marking of the European Mobility Week for the first time in the City of Bijeljina. It included a continuous promotional campaign through a series of activities implemented in cooperation with external partners: Technical School Mihajlo Pupin Bijeljina – traffic club, Environmental Association Eko put Bijeljina, Independent Craft Shop Jovašević Bijeljina, and M-BIKE SHOP Bijeljina.
Activities were implemented in the period 16-22 September 2019. It is important to mention the citizen survey concerning their satisfaction with the traffic infrastructure for walking and cycling, installation of three bicycle stands (two in front of the Administration of the City of Bijeljina and one in front of the Police Station in Bijeljina), as well as the activity called “A day without cars”, organised by closing the Vuka Karadžića street for traffic on 22 September 2019.
Total of 1,015 people were surveyed on the satisfaction of citizens with the traffic infrastructure for walking and cycling. Detailed report on implemented activities, as well as the analysis of the survey is available on the web site of the City. Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on establishing an integrated approach to environmental protection (strategic goal 3), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 3 (good health and well-being), 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), 15 (life on land) and 17 (partnerships for the goals).