ReLOaD - Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans
Donor: European Union (Swiss Government, Republika Srpska Government, IRB RS)
Implementer: Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration and Department of Social Affairs

The objective of the ReLOaD project is to strengthen partnerships between local authorities and civil society, by scaling a successful model of transparent project funding of civil society organisations from the budgets of local self-governments.
The project is aimed at greater civic and youth participation in decision-making processes and at improved public service delivery in local communities.
Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on building of a tolerant, inclusive community with equal opportunities for all (strategic goal 2), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and 17 (partnerships for the goals).
Implementer: Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration and Department of Social Affairs
The objective of the ReLOaD project is to strengthen partnerships between local authorities and civil society, by scaling a successful model of transparent project funding of civil society organisations from the budgets of local self-governments.
The project is aimed at greater civic and youth participation in decision-making processes and at improved public service delivery in local communities.
Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on building of a tolerant, inclusive community with equal opportunities for all (strategic goal 2), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and 17 (partnerships for the goals).
Total value of approved projects in 2017 for six NGOs was BAM 187,925.10 (70% donation, 30% co-funded by the City)
In 2019, total funds awarded through projects of seven NGOs that were successful within the ReLOaD project, for the implementation in the City of Bijeljina amount to BAM 174,991.90, out of which BAM 119,837.95 was a donation, and BAM 55,153.95 was co-funded from the City budget. After the public call for civil society organisations conducted by the City of Bielina (Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration and Department of Social Affairs) within the ReLOaD project, the following projects were approved for funding:
- Association of Citizens for Promotion of Roma Education – Otaharin: Project name: “Active Youth – Active Community”, approved amount for funding – BAM 36,353.00;
- Organisation of families of captured and killed soldiers and missing civilians: Project name: “Include me, I exist, too”, approved amount for funding – BAM 43,000.00;
- Ecological Association Eko Put: Project name: “Building a sustainable future through environmental culture”, approved amount for funding – BAM 19,990.00;
- Humanitarian Association – Arta: Project name: “Together towards progress”, approved amount for funding – BAM 15,598.90;
- Association of Underwater Activities – TRB: Project name: “Sport is (not) a privilege”, approved amount for funding – BAM 19,986.00;
- Association of Women with Disabilities – Impuls: Project name: “Let's pull the thread of change”, approved amount for funding – BAM 19,974.00;
- Handball Club Bijeljina: Project name: “Handball Academy”, approved amount for funding – BAM 19,920.00.