Health Centre Bijeljina

Basic information
Address: Ulica Srpske vojske 53, 76300 Bijeljina
Phone: +387 (0)55 415 111
Fax: +387 (0)55 415 190
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Web site:
About Health Centre Bijeljina
Doctor Vojislav Kecmanović founded ‘Association for preservation of people’s health’ in 1919. This year was the beginning of organised primary health care in our city.
After the Second World War, to the mid sixties, Health Centre existed as an independent health care institution.
In the mid sixties Health Centre was merged with the Hospital and the Medical Centre Bijeljina was registered. It existed until 1979.
In July 1979, the Medical Centre was registered as a work organisation (WO) with basic organisations of associated labour (BOAL) as smaller organisational units. Since then, the Health Centre worked within the WO Medical Centre ‘Nikola Spasojević’ Bijeljina, registered as BOAL Primary Healthcare.
In 1984, a new registration was done, and the Health Centre was registered as BOAL Health Centre Bijeljina within composite organization of associated labour (COAL) Regional Medical-Faculty Centre Tuzla, WO Medical Centre ‘Nikola Spasojević’ Bijeljina. BOAL Health Centre Bijeljina had smaller organisational units: General medicine Bijeljina (with Kidney clinic and Diabetes Clinic), Health Station Janja (with Dental clinic and Gynaecological clinic), as well as Medicine of labour and sport, Emergency medical assistance, Children and school clinic, Dental health care, Laboratory, Anti tuberculosis clinic.
On 14 October 1994, Health Centre Bijeljina was detached from the Medical Centre, and it was founded as a public healthcare institution (founded by the local community, i.e. the Assembly of the Municipality of Bijeljina) for primary healthcare, with a registered office in Bijeljina, at Srpske vojske 53.
After introduction of the new Law on Health Protection in 1999, Health Centre Bijeljina started a reform of the healthcare system and began organising healthcare according to the model of family medicine. Implementation of the family medicine model should be completed in 2010.
Since 2008, primary healthcare at the Health Centre Bijeljina has been provided by the family medicine teams, institutionally represented through family medicine clinics. As the support, the Health Centre Bijeljina also has:
Consultation specialist clinic for children healthcare
Consultation specialist gynaecology and obstetrics clinic
Emergency medical service
Community physical rehabilitation centre
Paediatric, preventive and general dentistry service
Sanitary and epidemiological service
Laboratory diagnostic service
Mental health centre
Radiological and ultrasound diagnostics service
Economic and financial affairs service
Legal, personnel and general affairs service