Installation of GIS system in order to improve the quality of public services in the City of Bijeljina
Donor: Financial mechanism (Swiss Government, Republika Srpska Government, IRB RS)
Implementation period: 14 December 2015 to 30 September 2016
Project value: BAM 117,466.75
Donation: BAM 75,460.64
City of Bijeljina: BAM 42,006.11
Implementation period: 14 December 2015 to 30 September 2016
Project value: BAM 117,466.75
Donation: BAM 75,460.64
City of Bijeljina: BAM 42,006.11
Implemented activities:
- A single and compatible spatial database,
- Combining spatial data,
- Simple WEB GIS application,
- Easy to find available spatial data,
- Geographic data simply displayed,
- Custom data,
- Possibility of interactive inquiries about spatial information...
Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on improvement of public services quality (strategic goal 2), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and 17 (partnerships for the goals).