Official web site of
City Bijeljina

Park for everyone

In June 2019, a Working body for citizens' initiatives was formed, with representatives of public institutions, private and civic sectors. This body was established in order to define three initiatives for contribution to the improvement of life of citizens. The survey of the citizens lasted from 19 July to 4 August, and 1225 persons participated in the survey. The selected initiative was to build an outdoor gym (in the city park) with accompanying sport-recreational content, including access ramps, so that all citizens have equal access.


Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration, together with the Citizens’ Association Kolosi prepared and submitted the project which was approved for implementation.
Total value of the project was BAM 60,355.29.
(Donation of EU/UNDP: BAM 15,000.00, City of Bijeljina: BAM 45,355.29)
Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on building of a tolerant, inclusive community with equal opportunities for all (strategic goal 2), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 3 (good health and well-being), 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), 15 (life on land), and 17 (partnerships for the goals).