Donor: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Implementer: Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration
Project value: BAM 367,962.25
Donation: BAM 309,002.25
City of Bijeljina: BAM 58,960.00
Project value – hairdressers: BAM 31,380.00
Donation: BAM 29,130.00
City of Bijeljina: BAM 2,250.00

Implementer: Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration
Project value: BAM 367,962.25
Donation: BAM 309,002.25
City of Bijeljina: BAM 58,960.00
Project value – hairdressers: BAM 31,380.00
Donation: BAM 29,130.00
City of Bijeljina: BAM 2,250.00
One workshop was organised for mentors from companies who will monitor the participants during their practice at the company. | |
The teams were formed and nine workshops were organise to define learning outcomes in accordance with the needs of economy and amendment to the curriculum for practice lessons for mentors from the companies and teachers of practice lessons. | |
Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on improvement of business environment (strategic goal 1), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 4 (quality education), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and 17 (partnerships for the goals). |
Four project proposals were prepared for improvement of practice lessons at four secondary vocational schools in the City of Bijeljina, and five classrooms for practical lessons for shortage occupations were equipped at three secondary vocational schools.
After joint engagement of the partners in the project, two new shortage occupations were introduced: “woodworker – carpenter” at Technical School M. Pupin, and “hairdresser” at Agricultural and Medical School – in accordance with the needs of the economy.
In order to promote and raise awareness about the importance of vocational education, round tables were organised with the businessmen and school representatives, as well as meetings with parents of students in the final year of primary school in the territory of Bijeljina.