Official web site of
City Bijeljina

Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “You choose!”

In accordance with the strategic commitment of Bijeljina to become THE CITY OF THE FUTURE by 2030, the Administration of the City of Bijeljina is preparing and implementing a number of programmes, projects and activities to create prerequisites for a sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
In order to include as many citizens as possible in the decision making processes related to the improvement of life in the City of Bijeljina, a survey was created with the aim to enable citizens to choose the appearance of the bridges and balconies on the canal Dašnica.
Time of survey: from 27 April 2020 to 6 May 2020;
Method: Electronic (using link on the City’s website and social media);
Instrument: An electronic questionnaire appropriate for the goal of the survey;
Goal of survey: Participation of citizens in the decision making in the City of Bijeljina;
Sample: 1,584 citizens of the City of Bijeljina.