Official web site of
City Bijeljina

To improve trade with Romania

BiH Ambassador in Romania, Mile Vasić, at the meeting with businessmen from the City of Bijeljina and the surrounding municipalities and representatives of City of Bijeljina, informed local businessmen on the potential of the Romanian market, the possibilities to increase foreign trade, as well as on Bosnian economy fait that will take place in Bucharest at the end of the year.

Ambassador Vasić stated that foreign trade exchange between BiH and Romania worth about 370 million euro and there was a lot of potential to improve the economy cooperation:

- The Romanian market has more than 21 million people, and it was the third fastest EU developing market last year. Doing business in today's Romania has been performed in accordance with the modern principles, and all kind of goods could be exported, if provided the required quality and competitive prices. There are great possibilities on cooperation improvement between domestic and Romanian entrepreneurs, considering, among other things that we are only a few hours’ drive away, concluded Vasić.

BiH export to Romania is about 1.5 percent of the total BiH exports, while import from Romania in BiH makes up about 1.3 of the total imports in BiH. Most of the trades are wood products, livestock, fabricated metal products...

Deputy Mayor of Bijeljina,Huso Zečkanović, pointed out that this was a first visit of any BiH Ambassador to Bijeljina,  aiming to improve economic cooperation.

- Bijeljina has a lot to offer to foreign markets, including Romanian. We can offer products from wood processing and metal industry, agricultural products, we have tourism potential ... The City administration will support the efforts of the Embassy in Bucharest to mediate between businessmen in Romania and Bosnia-Herzegovina, announced Deputy Mayor of Bijeljina.