Businessmen trained in writing projects and business plans

Head of Cabinet of the Mayor of Bijeljina Mile Pejčić handed out certificates to 17 entrepreneurs who have attended training on the preparation of project proposals and business plans.This training is realized within the project "Improvement of business environment of northeastern part of the Republic of Srpska" implemented by the City Administration of Bijeljina, with the aim of improving the business environment on local level.- This was opportunity to educate representatives of ten companies in writing project proposals and business plans. We are pleased that all participants underwent training with the help of professional and highly experienced lecturers. This is the second generation that successfully completed the training and we hope that they will use new knowledge for the best possible market positioning - said Pejčić, adding that they have already seen examples of businessmen from the first generation of participants of the program who are successful in applying for external funding.In addition to these trainings, project includes the establishment of an inter-municipal partnership with municipalities of Ugljevik and Lopare. In order to facilitate attracting new and retaining existing investors, we nead to improve the professional staff of the City of Bijeljina and municipalities Ugljevik and Lopare through a set of training on investment promotion for employees of local governments. Through the project activities we will also improve infrastructure in the Industrial zone 2, the construction of a part of the main road (390 meters long) which will provide access to nine building lots owned by the City of Bijeljina.Partners on this Project are the Municipalities of Ugljevik and Lopare, Regional Chamber of Commerce of Bijeljina Region and company from Bijeljina "Stecco Centar".The project "Improvement of business environment of northeastern part of the Republic of Srpska" is funded by the Financial Mechanism for support to projects of integrated and sustainable local development in the Republic of Srpska, which was established through a joint initiative of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Srpska, the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Srpska, Investment-Development Bank of Republic of Srpska, the Government of Switzerland and the United Nations Development program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.