Official web site of
City Bijeljina

City of Bijeljina Employment Action Plan 2019-2023

City of Bijeljina Employment Action Plan 2019-2023 is a consolidated overview of strategic and operational goals, measures, activities, indicators and key actors of active employment policy implemented by the City of Bijeljina within its jurisdiction as part of measures being implemented by Republika Srpska. Employment Action Plan foresees measures and activities which the City can implement in cooperation with entity and local institutions in economy, education, youth policy, social inclusion, and which are important and influence the employment policy.
Legal ground for establishing City of Bijeljina Employment Action Plan 2019-2023 is the Employment Strategy of Republika Srpska 2016-2020 and the Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023. Employment Action Plan is adopted by the Assembly of the City of Bijeljina upon a proposal of the relevant department or section.
Strategic framework was established within the Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023. This document was made in partnership with interested actors from private and non-governmental sectors, and it defined the development of economy and agriculture, based on knowledge, environmental protection and strengthening regional functions and public services for everyone.
Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina was prepared within the project Integrated Local Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).