ReLOaD Project for increased citizen participation in decision-making processes

The city of Bijeljina is one out of ten local communities in BiH that have been selected to participate in the ReLOaD Project (Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans). Out of the 48 local government units that were invited to participate, only 32 municipalities and cities applied. One of the key criteria regarding the process of applicants evaluation was referring to the results that local self-government units derive from the allocation of financial resources to civil society organizations, transparent criteria and project approach, respectively according to LOD methodology.During the preparatory meeting for the Project in Bijeljina, it was stated that the ten selected municipalities and cities will work on activities that contribute to strengthening partnerships between local authorities and civil society by implementing a successful model of transparent financing of civil society organizations' projects from the budget of local self-government units.This approach ensures greater citizen participation in decision-making processes and enhances the provision of services to citizens in local communities. Over the next two years, two public calls for civil society organizations will be issued, which will be preceded by open days at which the process of the applications will be clarified. Also, the strategic areas on which the City of Bijeljina will offer a public call for civil society organizations within the ReLOaD project will be presented and clarified to interested NGOs. Also, all possible ambiguities will be explained for the purpose of increasing the partnership between the local communitiy and civil society organizations.