Start something good in Bijeljina

A conference called Start something good in Bijeljina (orig. Pokreni nešto dobro u Bijeljini) was organised today at Ethno Village Stanišići. The goal was to support and promote entrepreneurial activity in Bijeljina.
Total of 15 entrepreneurs presented their products and services.
At the same time, the City of Bijeljina and Investment Foundation IMPAKT organised a panel discussion – Entrepreneurship in the function of development of the City of Bijeljina.
While talking at the conference, Mayor Ljubiša Petrović expressed his gratitude to the IMPAKT Foundation for their partnership, proven by today’s signing of cooperation agreement with the City of Bijeljina. IMPAKT has been a partner of the Swiss Embassy in BiH for years in helping young people to start their own business.
- The main message of the conference was that it is necessary to motivate young people to start their own business, and the fact that more than 2,000 entrepreneurs are registered on the territory of Bijeljina speaks in favour of that – pointed out Mayor Petrović.
Swiss Ambassador to BiH, Daniel Hunn, said that he is satisfied that the cooperation agreement has been signed, and that it is necessary to constantly create favourable conditions for the young people to implement their business ideas.
Executive Director of IMPAKT, Senajid Đozo, also spoke at the conference. He reminded that the City of Bijeljina and this foundation organised Business Ideas Incubator, and that today’s conference is a good opportunity to continue the cooperation.
- IMPAKT Business Ideas Incubator is a comprehensive form of support to the entrepreneurs, in the form of trainings, mentorial and promotional support – explained Đozo.