Through partnership towards inclusive children's playground

Thanks to the financial support of the Government of Bulgaria and the Government of Switzerland, and with donation of private companies "Steko Centar"Ltd. and "Megadrvo"Ltd. from Bijeljina and the NGO association "Rotarakt", a new inclusive playground in the City Park was built in the area of 1320 square meters. Part of the playground is intended for children aged from 1-4, and the second part is intended for larger children, aged from 4-12, also there is a part of the playground for children with disabilities.

During the implementation of this project, the City of Bijeljina, more precisely Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration, wanted to build an inclusive playground available for all children in Bijeljina.
Total value of works on the construction of inclusive playground was 72,000 BAM, of which the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria donated 40,000 BAM, the Government of the Switzerland donated 14,400 BAM, while the City of Bijeljina participated with 17.500 BAM.
Also, the company, "Steko Centar"Ltd. has donated a wooden playground of six square meters, which is in accordance with the safety standards, and the company "Mega Drvo"Ltd. has donated a set of two woden tables and 12 mushroom-shaped chairs, on the playground to complete small children's wooden household.
In order to prevent irresponsible behavior and destruction of the playground, the City Administration set up video surveillance.
In Section for LED and EI points out that the special value of this project is that he is in line with the Global Agenda 2030. Project is realized through the partnership with the public, private and civil sector, and together they contribute to the sustainable development of our City with the aim to improve quality of service to its citizens. Project was supported by two European governments and it could be a model for implementing the Agenda.
- This is the best example that when we join together, we can do something that is necessary, useful and modern, all in order to improve the living conditions in our City - announced from the City Administration.