Utilising the rich potential of geothermal energy

Mayor of Bijeljina, Ljubiša Petrović, signed today a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with the company Geosafe - Belgrade branch of the French company GeoDeep, which is in a cluster with the company ByGeo.
The signing of the Memorandum was attended by the company’s director and Jean-Jacques Graff, President of the French Geothermal Association (AFPG), who is also an engineer with thirty-five years of experience in energy projects based on deep geothermal waters. Graff is also the President of ByGeo.
Geosafe has decades of experience in implementing district heating projects for cities and industrial zones, as well as in the development, implementation, and management of projects related to renewable energy sources. They possess comprehensive expertise and skills in the development of such projects, making them a credible partner for exploring geothermal resources and their potential in the Semberija region.
“The City of Bijeljina has exceptional geothermal potential. For example, the Municipality of Bogatić has already implemented district heating in public institutions using shallow geothermal waters, while Bijeljina can further expand the network by utilising deep geothermal waters. This can expand the network which can be used not only by public institutions but also multi-family buildings, industrial zones, and similar entities,” said Milan Marinović, the director of Geosafe in Belgrade.
In accordance with the law and given approvals, the company plans to utilise existing wells in Bijeljina for testing and exploring geothermal energy sources in the Semberija region. They will independently conduct the exploration and testing phase. If all necessary conditions are met, the City will sign a cooperation agreement with this company, which will define the model of cooperation, responsibilities, and obligations of this company regarding the continuous supply of heat, related to the geothermal wells.
Earlier, the Mayor of Bijeljina, on behalf of the city, reached out to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in BaH with a proposal for collaboration on the district heating project in Bijeljina. The mentioned bank is renowned for supporting projects related to environmental improvement and promoting renewable energy sources.
By signing this Memorandum, the City has once again demonstrated its commitment to the path of environmental protection, aiming to leave a healthier and better planet for future generations. This aligns with the primary global goal pursued by all serious nations worldwide.