About Bijeljina About Bijeljina
Accolades of the City of Bijeljina Accolades of the City of Bijeljina
Economy/Agriculture Economy/Agriculture
Economy Economy
Agriculture Agriculture
Basic information Basic information
History of the City of Bijeljina History of the City of Bijeljina
Coat of arms and flag of the City of Bijeljina Coat of arms and flag of the City of Bijeljina
Saint Panteleimon Day - 'Pantelino' and City Day Saint Panteleimon Day - 'Pantelino' and City Day
Religion Religion
Sister cities / twin towns Sister cities / twin towns
Langenhagen (Germany) Langenhagen (Germany)
Kumanovo (North Macedonia) Kumanovo (North Macedonia)
Kruševac (Serbia) Kruševac (Serbia)
Ruse (Bulgaria) Ruse (Bulgaria)
Brașov (Romania) Brașov (Romania)
Leskovac (Serbia) Leskovac (Serbia)
Peć-Goraždevac (Serbia) Peć-Goraždevac (Serbia)
Kosjerić (Serbia) Kosjerić (Serbia)
Azov (Russia) Azov (Russia)
Zrenjanin (Serbia) Zrenjanin (Serbia)
Budva (Montenegro) Budva (Montenegro)
Documents Documents
Public enterprises and institutions Public enterprises and institutions
JSC Vodovod i kanalizacija (Water supply and sewerage) JSC Vodovod i kanalizacija (Water supply and sewerage)
Public Enterprise ‘Gradska toplana’ Bijeljina (District Heating Plant) Public Enterprise ‘Gradska toplana’ Bijeljina (District Heating Plant)
Public Enterprise EKO-DEP Bijeljina (Regional Landfill) Public Enterprise EKO-DEP Bijeljina (Regional Landfill)
Public Enterprise Directorate for Construction and Development of the City Public Enterprise Directorate for Construction and Development of the City
Agrarian Fund of the City of Bijeljina Agrarian Fund of the City of Bijeljina
Agency for Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the City of Bijeljina Agency for Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the City of Bijeljina
Tourist Organisation of the City of Bijeljina Tourist Organisation of the City of Bijeljina
JSC Komunalac (Utility Company) JSC Komunalac (Utility Company)
PI Cultural Centre ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina PI Cultural Centre ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina
Social Welfare Centre Social Welfare Centre
PE Vode (Water management) PE Vode (Water management)
PI Serbian Cultural-Artistic Association ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina PI Serbian Cultural-Artistic Association ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina
Health Centre Bijeljina Health Centre Bijeljina
Public Media Company ‘SIM’ Bijeljina Public Media Company ‘SIM’ Bijeljina
Public Institution ‘Museum of Semberija’ Bijeljina Public Institution ‘Museum of Semberija’ Bijeljina
Public Utility Company ‘City cemetery’ LLC Bijeljina Public Utility Company ‘City cemetery’ LLC Bijeljina
Public Institution Kindergarten ‘Čika Jova Zmaj’ Bijeljina Public Institution Kindergarten ‘Čika Jova Zmaj’ Bijeljina
Public Institution Spa ‘Dvorovi’ Dvorovi Public Institution Spa ‘Dvorovi’ Dvorovi
Public Institution City Theatre ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina Public Institution City Theatre ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina
Industrial zones
Industrial zone 1
Industrial zone 2
Industrial zone 3
Industrial zone 4
Building in Bijeljina
Available business premises - Brownfield. Real estate agencies
Guides for obtaining urban planning documents Guides for obtaining urban planning documents
Spatial planning strategic documents Spatial planning strategic documents
Implementation spatial planning documents Implementation spatial planning documents
Urban construction land development fees Urban construction land development fees
Urban construction land development zones Urban construction land development zones
Why invest in Bijeljina Why invest in Bijeljina
Location Location
Resources Resources
Quality of life Quality of life
Incentives for investors Incentives for investors
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Business expenses Business expenses
Taxes Taxes
Tabular presentation of business expenses Tabular presentation of business expenses
Utility taxes Utility taxes
Utility fees Utility fees
Price list of services provided by public enterprises Price list of services provided by public enterprises
Urban construction land development fees Urban construction land development fees
Drivers of economic growth Drivers of economic growth
Public enterprises and institutions Public enterprises and institutions
Associations of entrepreneurs and farmers Associations of entrepreneurs and farmers
Metal industry Metal industry
Wood processing industry Wood processing industry
Trade Trade
Financial services Financial services
Agriculture Agriculture
Food production Food production
Tourism and services Tourism and services
Construction Construction
Transportation and communications Transportation and communications
Partnership for the development of the City Partnership for the development of the City
Partnership group for social development Partnership group for social development
Partnership group for environmental protection Partnership group for environmental protection
Economic Council Economic Council
Energy efficiency and environmental protection Energy efficiency and environmental protection
Environmental permits Environmental permits
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of the City of Bijeljina Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of the City of Bijeljina
Local Environmental Action Plan for the City of Bijeljina 2018-2028 Local Environmental Action Plan for the City of Bijeljina 2018-2028
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the City of Bijeljina Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the City of Bijeljina
Continuous institutional cooperation towards sustainable jobs in Bijeljina Continuous institutional cooperation towards sustainable jobs in Bijeljina
Partnership for Sustainable Development of Local Self-Government Units
Continuous improvement of administrative public services through e-government system
Strengthening the role of local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bijeljina and Bogatic – together towards energy sustainability through increasing energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources
Learn and earn
Park for everyone
Improvement of business conditions in the City of Bijeljina
Let’s get moving!
Let’s play together
Improvement of business environment of the north-eastern part of Republika Srpska
Establishment of inter-municipal cooperation in the agricultural sector in the City of Bijeljina, Ugljevik and Lopare municipalities
European mobility week
Installation of GIS system in order to improve the quality of public services in the City of Bijeljina
ReLOaD - Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans
Youth Employment Programme (YEP)
Local Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023 Local Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023
Three-year indicative financial plans for the implementation of the Strategy Three-year indicative financial plans for the implementation of the Strategy
Coordination Body for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina Coordination Body for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina
Annual plans for the implementation of the Strategy Annual plans for the implementation of the Strategy
Annual reports about the implementation of the Strategy Annual reports about the implementation of the Strategy
Surveys Surveys
2022 2022
2023 2023
2014 2014
Survey of the private sector on business conditions in the City of Bijeljina Survey of the private sector on business conditions in the City of Bijeljina
2015 2015
Survey of the satisfaction of private sector with the utility services in the City of Bijeljina Survey of the satisfaction of private sector with the utility services in the City of Bijeljina
2016 2016
Analysis of the labour market and secondary vocational schools in the Bijeljina region Analysis of the labour market and secondary vocational schools in the Bijeljina region
2017 2017
Survey of the private sector on business conditions in the City of Bijeljina Survey of the private sector on business conditions in the City of Bijeljina
Survey of the satisfaction of private sector with the utility services in the City of Bijeljina Survey of the satisfaction of private sector with the utility services in the City of Bijeljina
2018 2018
2019 2019
Survey for business people of the City of Bijeljina Survey for business people of the City of Bijeljina
Improving the quality of life through civic initiative Improving the quality of life through civic initiative
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week
Student survey Student survey
Survey at the Secondary schools career fair Survey at the Secondary schools career fair
2020 2020
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “You choose!” Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “You choose!”
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “Make it ECOlogical” Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “Make it ECOlogical”
2021 2021
Survey of the students of the Faculty of Business Economics – study programme Business Informatics Survey of the students of the Faculty of Business Economics – study programme Business Informatics
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week
Survey of the tenants at the Green Market of the City of Bijeljina Survey of the tenants at the Green Market of the City of Bijeljina
Social Housing Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina (2021-2030) Social Housing Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina (2021-2030)
Official Gazette of the City of Bijeljina Official Gazette of the City of Bijeljina
Planning documents Planning documents
Mayor’s work plan and work plan of the Administration of the City of Bijeljina Mayor’s work plan and work plan of the Administration of the City of Bijeljina
Capital Investment Plan Capital Investment Plan
Capital Investment Plan 2018-2020 Capital Investment Plan 2018-2020
Capital Investment Plan 2019-2021 Capital Investment Plan 2019-2021
Capital Investment Plan 2015-2017 Capital Investment Plan 2015-2017
Capital Investment Plan 2016-2018 Capital Investment Plan 2016-2018
Capital Investment Plan 2017-2019 Capital Investment Plan 2017-2019
Plan for promotion of economic potentials and benefits of the City of Bijeljina Plan for promotion of economic potentials and benefits of the City of Bijeljina
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the City of Bijeljina Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the City of Bijeljina
Utility infrastructure construction programme in the territory of the City of Bijeljina Utility infrastructure construction programme in the territory of the City of Bijeljina
Local Environmental Action Plan for the City of Bijeljina 2018-2028 Local Environmental Action Plan for the City of Bijeljina 2018-2028
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of the City of Bijeljina Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of the City of Bijeljina
Action plan for moving the embankment of Drina River Action plan for moving the embankment of Drina River
City of Bijeljina Employment Action Plan 2019-2023 City of Bijeljina Employment Action Plan 2019-2023
Studies Studies
Feasibility study on the possibilities of using solar energy to generate heat and electricity Feasibility study on the possibilities of using solar energy to generate heat and electricity
Study of quality, stability and possibilities of bottling oligomineral hyperthermal water from Spa Dvorovi Study of quality, stability and possibilities of bottling oligomineral hyperthermal water from Spa Dvorovi
Feasibility study of the use of biomass Feasibility study of the use of biomass
Study of district heating in the City of Bijeljina Study of district heating in the City of Bijeljina
Feasibility study of reconstruction of public lighting of the City of Bijeljina Feasibility study of reconstruction of public lighting of the City of Bijeljina
Study on sustainable use and protection of natural resources Study on sustainable use and protection of natural resources
Study on environmental impact assessment ‘Industrial zone 2’ Bijeljina Study on environmental impact assessment ‘Industrial zone 2’ Bijeljina
Drinking groundwater resources and geothermal resources of Bijeljina Municipality Drinking groundwater resources and geothermal resources of Bijeljina Municipality
About Bijeljina
Accolades of the City of Bijeljina
Basic information
History of the City of Bijeljina
Coat of arms and flag of the City of Bijeljina
Saint Panteleimon Day - 'Pantelino' and City Day
Sister cities / twin towns
Langenhagen (Germany)
Kumanovo (North Macedonia)
Kruševac (Serbia)
Ruse (Bulgaria)
Brașov (Romania)
Leskovac (Serbia)
Peć-Goraždevac (Serbia)
Kosjerić (Serbia)
Azov (Russia)
Zrenjanin (Serbia)
Budva (Montenegro)
Public enterprises and institutions
JSC Vodovod i kanalizacija (Water supply and sewerage)
Public Enterprise ‘Gradska toplana’ Bijeljina (District Heating Plant)
Public Enterprise EKO-DEP Bijeljina (Regional Landfill)
Public Enterprise Directorate for Construction and Development of the City
Agrarian Fund of the City of Bijeljina
Agency for Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the City of Bijeljina
Tourist Organisation of the City of Bijeljina
JSC Komunalac (Utility Company)
PI Cultural Centre ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina
Social Welfare Centre
PE Vode (Water management)
PI Serbian Cultural-Artistic Association ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina
Health Centre Bijeljina
Public Media Company ‘SIM’ Bijeljina
Public Institution ‘Museum of Semberija’ Bijeljina
Public Utility Company ‘City cemetery’ LLC Bijeljina
Public Institution Kindergarten ‘Čika Jova Zmaj’ Bijeljina
Public Institution Spa ‘Dvorovi’ Dvorovi
Public Institution City Theatre ‘Semberija’ Bijeljina
Industrial zones
Industrial zone 1
Industrial zone 2
Industrial zone 3
Industrial zone 4
Building in Bijeljina
Available business premises - Brownfield. Real estate agencies
Guides for obtaining urban planning documents
Spatial planning strategic documents
Implementation spatial planning documents
Urban construction land development fees
Urban construction land development zones
Why invest in Bijeljina
Quality of life
Incentives for investors
Business expenses
Tabular presentation of business expenses
Utility taxes
Utility fees
Price list of services provided by public enterprises
Urban construction land development fees
Drivers of economic growth
Public enterprises and institutions
Associations of entrepreneurs and farmers
Metal industry
Wood processing industry
Financial services
Food production
Tourism and services
Transportation and communications
Partnership for the development of the City
Partnership group for social development
Partnership group for environmental protection
Economic Council
Energy efficiency and environmental protection
Environmental permits
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of the City of Bijeljina
Local Environmental Action Plan for the City of Bijeljina 2018-2028
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the City of Bijeljina
Continuous institutional cooperation towards sustainable jobs in Bijeljina
Partnership for Sustainable Development of Local Self-Government Units
Continuous improvement of administrative public services through e-government system
Strengthening the role of local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bijeljina and Bogatic – together towards energy sustainability through increasing energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources
Learn and earn
Park for everyone
Improvement of business conditions in the City of Bijeljina
Let’s get moving!
Let’s play together
Improvement of business environment of the north-eastern part of Republika Srpska
Establishment of inter-municipal cooperation in the agricultural sector in the City of Bijeljina, Ugljevik and Lopare municipalities
European mobility week
Installation of GIS system in order to improve the quality of public services in the City of Bijeljina
ReLOaD - Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans
Youth Employment Programme (YEP)
Local Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023
Three-year indicative financial plans for the implementation of the Strategy
Coordination Body for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina
Annual plans for the implementation of the Strategy
Annual reports about the implementation of the Strategy
Survey of the private sector on business conditions in the City of Bijeljina
Survey of the satisfaction of private sector with the utility services in the City of Bijeljina
Analysis of the labour market and secondary vocational schools in the Bijeljina region
Survey of the private sector on business conditions in the City of Bijeljina
Survey of the satisfaction of private sector with the utility services in the City of Bijeljina
Survey for business people of the City of Bijeljina
Improving the quality of life through civic initiative
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week
Student survey
Survey at the Secondary schools career fair
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “You choose!”
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina “Make it ECOlogical”
Survey of the students of the Faculty of Business Economics – study programme Business Informatics
Survey of the citizens of the City of Bijeljina as part of the European Mobility Week
Survey of the tenants at the Green Market of the City of Bijeljina
Social Housing Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina (2021-2030)
Official Gazette of the City of Bijeljina
Planning documents
Mayor’s work plan and work plan of the Administration of the City of Bijeljina
Capital Investment Plan
Capital Investment Plan 2018-2020
Capital Investment Plan 2019-2021
Capital Investment Plan 2015-2017
Capital Investment Plan 2016-2018
Capital Investment Plan 2017-2019
Plan for promotion of economic potentials and benefits of the City of Bijeljina
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of the City of Bijeljina
Utility infrastructure construction programme in the territory of the City of Bijeljina
Local Environmental Action Plan for the City of Bijeljina 2018-2028
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) of the City of Bijeljina
Action plan for moving the embankment of Drina River
City of Bijeljina Employment Action Plan 2019-2023
Feasibility study on the possibilities of using solar energy to generate heat and electricity
Study of quality, stability and possibilities of bottling oligomineral hyperthermal water from Spa Dvorovi
Feasibility study of the use of biomass
Study of district heating in the City of Bijeljina
Feasibility study of reconstruction of public lighting of the City of Bijeljina
Study on sustainable use and protection of natural resources
Study on environmental impact assessment ‘Industrial zone 2’ Bijeljina
Drinking groundwater resources and geothermal resources of Bijeljina Municipality
Official web site of
City Bijeljina
Guide through Bijeljina
About Bijeljina
Public enterprises and institutions
Industrial zones
Building in Bijeljina
Why invest in Bijeljina
Business expenses
Drivers of economic growth
Partnership for the development of the City
Energy efficiency and environmental protection
Services for citizens